The SDG Partnership Platform actively participated at the 2022 Capacity Development Learning Facility (CDLF) held at Safari Park Hotel from 25-29 July 2022. The CDLF is an annual training event for UN Volunteers aimed at deconstructing the myths around what it means to be a volunteer and enhancing the professional skills of those in the UN ecosystem as volunteers. The UN Volunteers trace their foundation to the UN General Assembly resolution 25659 of 1970 which established the United Nations Volunteers; an international corps of volunteers for development.
With over 10,000 UNVs serving globally, 2,000 serving across Eastern and Southern Africa and 341 serving in Kenya, the role of UNVs is critical in establishing a competent workforce that could serve the UN in future and accelerate the achievement of commitments both global and local in various sector programmes. The UNV arena consists of a peculiar team of trained professionals at national and international levels that are able to tell the stories in delivery of service from a practical point of view, they are empowered to impact positively in the community they serve as they grow their careers to be experts.
Through engaging and fun filled icebreakers and team activities, over 200 participants in the CDLF were grouped in 4 teams (Red, White, Blue and Black) to provide for an interactive learning and competitive environment. The meeting presented an opportunity for networking with other agency UNVs as well as learning and airing out pertinent issues affecting their productivity during service.
Under the and additionally features engaging talks from former UNVs such as Geofrey Odundo, a Portfolio Analyst at UNDP and a former UNV was the lead facilitator and made the CDFL 2022 a memorable experience filled with learnings for all.