Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is everyone’s business and we all have a role to play in order to make sure that no-one is left behind.
Achieving the SDGs will be as much about the development of effective co-operation and collaboration as it will be about the scale and form such co-operation takes. There is a lot of talk about partnership, but not enough practical, on-the-ground support, to make partnerships thrive, especially not at scale.
The Government of Kenya with support of the UN established in 2017 the SDG Partnership Platform in collaboration, development partners, private sector, philanthropy, academia and civil society including faith-based stakeholders.
The Platform harnesses the talent, drive, expertise, resources and capabilities of all its partners to pool the best of public and private sector for co-creating large-scale sustainable partnerships and innovations for the financing and delivery of the SDGs in Kenya.
Frequently asked questions
The SDG Partnership Platform was launched by the Government of Kenya at the United Nations General Assembly in September 2017. The Platform has become a flagship initiative under Kenya’s UN Development Cooperation Framework 2018-2022. The first of its kind, it focuses on innovation, partnerships and innovative financing to support the Government of Kenya to attain its Big Four Agenda. In collaboration with national and county government, development partners, the private sector, philanthropy, academia and civil society, the SDGPP will open four thematic windows: Primary Healthcare, Food and Nutrition Security, Affordable Housing and Manufacturing and Skills Training. Primary Healthcare has been the first window established. Subsequently and catalyzed by its learnings, the Platform has activated its Food and Nutrition Security window as well as co-founded the SDG Accelerator Lab and National Advisory Board for Impact Investment as its engines to drive SDG innovation and financing.
The SDGPP works with a range of partners across national and county government, UN agencies, development partners, philanthropy, the private sector, civil society and academia.
For information on potential partnership, please email or
The SDGPP focuses on supporting the Government of Kenya to achieve its Big Four Agenda across Universal Healthcare, Food and Nutrition Security, Affordable Housing and Manufacturing and Skills Training, which correspond to specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Platform focuses on utilising innovation, partnership and innovative financing to achieve our goals.